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mahina midwifery office in santa cruz

Reach Out

Contact Shannon Purpuri, CPM, LM using the contact form below or by phone at 808-333-2909 for a free initial one hour consultation to learn more about your options for a home birth.


​This is an opportunity to learn more about our practice and philosophy of care, and help you discern whether or not home birth is the right choice for your pregnancy and birth.


Calls will be returned within 24 hours.


Serving both Santa Cruz, CA and the San Jose, CA metro area.

Contact Form

This is my:
First pregnancy
Second pregnancy
Third or more...
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"I knew I wanted the home birth journey for this second baby, and that required a loving midwife. Shannon was so patient with me through all my tears and worries. She was always the voice of compassion and encouragement."
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